Friday, September 28, 2007


I know many of you have been wondering if I was still alive since I have not blogged in almost a month. I apologize to my 2 whole fans :) ! Love yall!
Right now I'm reading a book titled "Just Enough Light for the Step I'm On" by Stormie Omartian. I try to read a chapter a day and so far every time I pick it up to read a chapter it's exactly what I need to hear. Well today was no different of course so I read the title of the chapter which was "Knowing how to pack for the wilderness". I'm thinking to myself this is going to be good. So I start reading the chapter and I'm thinking to myself oh please don't tell me I'm about to step into the wilderness and then I read this: "The wilderness is where we are forced to leave behind the familiar, the comfortable, the past successes, the accomplishments, and the old bag of tricks that always worked before. The wilderness is where God takes us when He wants to get Egypt out of our hearts. He wants to separate us from all that we crave, so that all we crave is Him. Just as God wanted to get the taste for Egypt out of the Israelites' mouths, He wants to get the lust for certain comforts out of our appetites, too. It's not that He doesn't want us to ever be comfortable. It's just that He doesn't want us to depend on the comfortable. He wants us to depend on Him. He doesn't want us to love the comforts more than we love Him. When God aims us in a new direction, we have to let go of what we've known, be willing to embrace the unfamiliar, and trust that He will sustain us on the journey." As I was reading that it hit me I don't have to fear it I'm already there. The awesome thing is, I know as long as I stay focused and learn all that God has to teach me the first time around I will soon be stepping into the promise land. How awesome is that??????