Monday, December 31, 2007

It's Sugar Bowl Time!!!!!!!!!

What an eventful night, I delivered some pineapples to some Georgia fans tonight!!!!!!!!!
I love you guys & Georgia!!!!!
Go Georgia!!!!!!!!

Sunday, December 30, 2007

My Goat Bella!!!!!!

So for Christmas my Best Friend (who is such an awesome person) gave me a goat!!!!!
It's not just any goat, it is a special goat!!! It will be given to a family in a foreign country who is in need of a goat for survival. You know most of the time people just pick up a gift without really putting too much thought to it. But their is nothing like getting a gift that you truly love and knowing that person put forth an effort to get you just the perfect thing. This is probably one of the best gifts I have ever been given and I have no physical object to hold in my hand. But knowing that my friend knows my heart for the nations and is not scared to go out of the box and give me the most unusal gift ever. . . . . .PRICELESS!!!!!!!!!!
So during the 10:00 service today the kids helped me name my goat. We agreed upon Bella!!!!

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Our Crazy New York Rides!!!!!

We walked out of Macy's looking for a Cab (cause Stacey wouldn't ride the Subway after she saw the poo) and the tut-tut driver from West Africa begged us to ride in his cart. 3o Blocks and 4 near death experiences later we arrived at our destination with one worn out African who first checked his tires before helping us out of the tut-tut!
After getting lost in the subway and running to jump on the wrong train all of Mrs. Judi did not make it on before the doors shut, but you know Stacey was there to save the day!!!!!

New York Santa!!!!!!!!!

I was all excited about coming to New York and seeing a real New York Santa!
I was here 2 days before ever spotting a Santa, but once I did can I tell you he was my kind of Santa. Check out the pictures to see why .........
It's hard to see but Santa is talking on his cell phone!!!!Santa is texting!!!!!
I don't want to hear another word!!!!!!!!!!!

Thugalicious Need I Say More ..............

Friday, December 7, 2007

It Snowed Today!!!!!!!!!

Talking on the phone (which I was constantly getting fussed at for today) in Serendipity 3 drinking me a Frozen Peanut Butter Hot Chocolate!!!!!

My New York Princess Hat!!

This was our adventure on the subway today!!!
So far today we have had a slam packed day!!! We started off at NBC Studios this morning for the Today Show. We then adventured out on the subway and headed to China Town where we did a little shopping. We then came back uptown and spent the most of our afternoon at Serendipity for a late lunch. It was snowing when we left the resturant. We are heading out to a show in a little bit so their is more excitment to come.............

Thursday, December 6, 2007

The Adventure Begins

This is me & Angie standing in line waiting for a cab at the airport! This is me in front of Heaven (Hershey Store)

This is me in Heaven (M&M WORLD)

As you can tell we have made it to New York! We had a smooth flight. We didn't make any friends on the flight though we were apparently a little loud, we got sshhed can you believe that????
Let me give you a small glimpse:
So we were on a direct flight from N.O. to New York. Angie has a guy sitting next to her that she is trying to make conversation with, so she asked the guy "where are you going?" He says "New York", she looks at me and says "what a coincidence he is going to New York too can you believe it?" Not to mention we were all going to New York!!!!! Then half way through the flight Angie pulls out her pad and pen to play hangman, she did not want to be rude so she asked the guy if he wanted to play hangman with her and Stacey he said "no I'm good!" So I'm rolling laughing at them and Stacey looks over at me and says "I'm going to cut you" everyone on the plane turns to look at Stacey and she bust out laughing saying"I'm joking, really I'm just joking, I have no sharp objects!!" So as you can see it was a very eventfull day!!!! Stay tuned it can only get better................

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Heading To The Big Apple

Tomorrow I'm heading to New York!
This is a first for me; a trip for no reason, with a few people I don't really know (definitely a group put together by God)! With this group their will not be a dull moment, so stay tuned...............