Tuesday, October 21, 2008

This is what HPC is all about!!!

Just read the following on Dan's blog......makes all we do so worth it!!!!

just got this in an email from alliece cole - a story that donna frank wrote up about a girl - amazing testimony. hpc is helping her live out her dream of being rescued from the strip club industry.
Julia was 14 the first time she heard of Healing Place Church. She was walking from Prairieville to Walker on Airline Highway. She had taken acid, swallowed lighter fluid and was bleeding all over from her cutting herself. A guy pulled over and she got in the car. He said he would take her to Walker. She knew what that would mean; a trade off, her body for a ride. She wondered if she was about to die and then wondered if she cared. But the scene changed when he began talking to her. He said, “I don’t know who you are or what you are going through, but me and my wife have been through some stuff—and I just wanna tell you about this church—Healing Place Church—don’t ever forget that name—don’t ever forget that God cares about you…”
Fast forward several years:
At a Chick Night DeLynn gave out pink princess mugs and Julia got one…and still has it. She loves it and has kept track of it through all the places her brokenness has taken her…hospitals, streets, St Louis, New York, Las Vegas, Mexico, L.A., Houston, and Lake Charles. She has held on to it in the midst of being shuffled around the country in the porn industry. Sometimes the simplest giveaways become the strongest lifelines.
Fast forward to present:
Last Monday night Julia drove by HPC and saw cars. She wondered if it was another one of those women nights. She continued to drive but turned around at the Acadian exit to come back and check it out. She just didn’t know if she wanted to live anymore. She says it’s kind of a blur; Delynn talking about weight and the obsession it can become. Julia said she’s never heard anybody get that real from the stage, especially a pastor’s wife sharing in front of her own church. It fascinated her and provided such relief; that somebody was willing to get on the stage and get real and tell women to let it go…about the real things in life…the undoing’s in life…
She went to the altar, got prayer and started on a new road.
Extricating oneself from the porn industry is not an easy task. Divine intervention is the most crucial part, but it also involves unsavory characters, threats, guns, getaway cars, hide outs and sometimes the FBI. Julia wanted out…so HPC said “We’re in”. God showed up and everything fell into place.
The road back home is a long one. This all began for Julia when she was 12 years old and her recovery will likely take years. The physical and emotional trauma that she has endured will be healed only by God’s patience and His unfailing love. Thank God for Healing Place Church, pink princess mugs, and a pastor’s wife speaking openly from the stage.
Thank God for Brother Wayne who taught his daughters they are princesses and that they are handing that down to this broken girl who is beginning to see a glimmer of hope… daring to believe that one day she can wear a tiara too.
Thank you Healing Place Church for letting us be the church…to do the ministry, not just talk about it. Thank you for allowing us to reach the world by serving one.
and i’ll say thank God for the
ladies of HPC - all the fru-fru stuff and feathers and chick stuff around here this week as we gear up for the second HPC Women’s Conference “Live the Dream” - i can deal with the fru-fru all day long if this is the kind of testimony that’s being made.
yay God.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Orthopedic Visit

Well I went to the orthopedic doctor today and the above picture is the result!!!
I have damaged all ligaments in my ankle, so I will be sporting this cast for the next three weeks (my sister wanted to know why I didn't get a camo one). Since I can not put any pressure on it, I can not drive for at least three weeks.......UGH!!!!!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

It was fun while it lasted

I have played softball since I was 5 years old, in all these years I have never had a major injury. Well I guess there is always a first time for everything!!!
So last night I was playing in my 4th game of the evening and I was rounding 3rd for a grand slam and as my foot hit the 3rd base my ankle decided to fold and down I went. Below is a picture taken within the hour of the accident!!!!

After 4 hours of waiting in the ER I was told it was a severe sprain due to the ligament snapping!
1 week on crutches, 6 weeks no running.
So whats that mean?
You guessed it no more softball!!
Guess I'll have time to blog now!!!!