Tuesday, October 21, 2008

This is what HPC is all about!!!

Just read the following on Dan's blog......makes all we do so worth it!!!!

just got this in an email from alliece cole - a story that donna frank wrote up about a girl - amazing testimony. hpc is helping her live out her dream of being rescued from the strip club industry.
Julia was 14 the first time she heard of Healing Place Church. She was walking from Prairieville to Walker on Airline Highway. She had taken acid, swallowed lighter fluid and was bleeding all over from her cutting herself. A guy pulled over and she got in the car. He said he would take her to Walker. She knew what that would mean; a trade off, her body for a ride. She wondered if she was about to die and then wondered if she cared. But the scene changed when he began talking to her. He said, “I don’t know who you are or what you are going through, but me and my wife have been through some stuff—and I just wanna tell you about this church—Healing Place Church—don’t ever forget that name—don’t ever forget that God cares about you…”
Fast forward several years:
At a Chick Night DeLynn gave out pink princess mugs and Julia got one…and still has it. She loves it and has kept track of it through all the places her brokenness has taken her…hospitals, streets, St Louis, New York, Las Vegas, Mexico, L.A., Houston, and Lake Charles. She has held on to it in the midst of being shuffled around the country in the porn industry. Sometimes the simplest giveaways become the strongest lifelines.
Fast forward to present:
Last Monday night Julia drove by HPC and saw cars. She wondered if it was another one of those women nights. She continued to drive but turned around at the Acadian exit to come back and check it out. She just didn’t know if she wanted to live anymore. She says it’s kind of a blur; Delynn talking about weight and the obsession it can become. Julia said she’s never heard anybody get that real from the stage, especially a pastor’s wife sharing in front of her own church. It fascinated her and provided such relief; that somebody was willing to get on the stage and get real and tell women to let it go…about the real things in life…the undoing’s in life…
She went to the altar, got prayer and started on a new road.
Extricating oneself from the porn industry is not an easy task. Divine intervention is the most crucial part, but it also involves unsavory characters, threats, guns, getaway cars, hide outs and sometimes the FBI. Julia wanted out…so HPC said “We’re in”. God showed up and everything fell into place.
The road back home is a long one. This all began for Julia when she was 12 years old and her recovery will likely take years. The physical and emotional trauma that she has endured will be healed only by God’s patience and His unfailing love. Thank God for Healing Place Church, pink princess mugs, and a pastor’s wife speaking openly from the stage.
Thank God for Brother Wayne who taught his daughters they are princesses and that they are handing that down to this broken girl who is beginning to see a glimmer of hope… daring to believe that one day she can wear a tiara too.
Thank you Healing Place Church for letting us be the church…to do the ministry, not just talk about it. Thank you for allowing us to reach the world by serving one.
and i’ll say thank God for the
ladies of HPC - all the fru-fru stuff and feathers and chick stuff around here this week as we gear up for the second HPC Women’s Conference “Live the Dream” - i can deal with the fru-fru all day long if this is the kind of testimony that’s being made.
yay God.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Orthopedic Visit

Well I went to the orthopedic doctor today and the above picture is the result!!!
I have damaged all ligaments in my ankle, so I will be sporting this cast for the next three weeks (my sister wanted to know why I didn't get a camo one). Since I can not put any pressure on it, I can not drive for at least three weeks.......UGH!!!!!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

It was fun while it lasted

I have played softball since I was 5 years old, in all these years I have never had a major injury. Well I guess there is always a first time for everything!!!
So last night I was playing in my 4th game of the evening and I was rounding 3rd for a grand slam and as my foot hit the 3rd base my ankle decided to fold and down I went. Below is a picture taken within the hour of the accident!!!!

After 4 hours of waiting in the ER I was told it was a severe sprain due to the ligament snapping!
1 week on crutches, 6 weeks no running.
So whats that mean?
You guessed it no more softball!!
Guess I'll have time to blog now!!!!

Monday, September 1, 2008

My Gustav Experience So Far

Once we finished up with weekend services yesterday and got our final pre & post hurricane instructions from our awesome pastor; I headed to find some groceries. Well I turned into the Albertson's parking lot and realized it was a little to crazy for me so I thought I'll just run down to Wal-Mart. Well this is what I saw as I pulled in the Wal-Mart parking lot:So then I thought I will just run across the street to Winn-Dixie and when I did this is what I saw:
So then I was on a search!!!!
Ended up at a nice, new, fancy gas station!!!!

Once I found food I headed home to secure everything
Using my car to protect the house:

We will see how this works out :)

Then the site I woke up to this morning:

Looks likes like Gustav is moving at his own pace!!!
Still waiting for some good video footage!!!
Going to be a long day of waiting!!!!

Saturday, August 16, 2008


Stepping Out

So I got a crazy hair idea and stepped out my box and colored my hair pink!!!! For those of you who did not see me in the last 20 hours while I had pink hair here is a picture!!!!! :)
I learned a lot in the 20 hours I had pink hair!!!!!
No more wild hairs for me for a while!!!!!

Sunday, June 22, 2008

It's Been A Long Time Baby!!!!!

I know its been a long time, but I have been crazy busy so here is a few pictures I wanted to share!!!! Enjoy.........

Just another day on the river!!!!!
Josh is all ready for VBS!!!!!!

Josh enjoying the boat ride!!!!
Jamie's first trip to camp!!!!! Clorox wipes, what does she think thats gonna do????
Awesome Kids Camp Service!!!!!!
One of the many mice we have caught this one got stuck on Jenn's shoe!!!
CJ's swim meet!!

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Baptism HPC Style

We had about 15 Kids get baptized tonight as well as over 25 adults!!!!!!
It was a little chilly, but that didn't stop any of them!!!
It was an awesome evening, we watched whole families get baptized together it was priceless!!!

Thursday, April 3, 2008

OK OK OK!!!!!!!!

I have been getting text messages daily telling me I needed to blog........I am so sorry to my 2 fans :-). I was on a well deserved vacation at the beach last week and had no Internet to blog. I got so crazy I even turned my phone off.....yes I know those of you who know me well just fell out your chair......but it's true!!!!! So I had a great relaxing time I was not ready to come back to the real world.....but I did and I know you all are so happy I did :-)!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, March 23, 2008


We had 7 Easter Services this weekend, where we ministered to over 550 kids and over 100 of them received Christ as their Savior. Checkout the pictures below to see how many kids lives were touched this weekend!!!!

God is doing amazing things in the lives of these children!!!!

It is such an honor and a privilege to be a part of what God is doing here!!!!!

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

My Big Brother!!!!

My brothers book went on sale today!!!
Check it out . . . . . . let me know what you think

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Yankee or Dixie

Cindy posted this on her blog I thought it was so cool I decided to post it too. Are you a yankee or a dixie? Click the link below to find out:


I am 84% dixie eventhough I was raised by a bunch of Yankees!!! I'm so proud to be a dixie!!!! What about you?????

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

My Passion!!!

So today was a great day!!! I got to have lunch with my best friend, which is always a great treat. Then I got to spend a few hours this afternoon talking with the President of Mission of Mercy. I just sat their in awe listening to him tell about what all they do around the world to help less fortunate kids. I had Mrs. Sherrie kicking me under the table trying to get me to talk, but I could just sit there and listen. I'm listening to this man thinking I want to do that, I want to make a difference like that. This was one of those meetings that you know was a God thing and that it happened for a reason, but you just have absolutely no idea why. That's the fun part though, the anticipation. Can't wait to see!!!

Monday, February 25, 2008

My Day!!!!!!

After yesterdays non-stop 12 hour day I was exhausted and ready to do nothing today. It was my day off, my day to sleep late, my day to do nothing, my day to relax!!!! So I thought . . . . . . .

My phone started at 7am this morning. . . . by 9:30am I finally gave up and answered it only because it was none other than my best friend!! I answer the phone to hear a desperate plea "get out the bed and come meet me at the mall I need a new outfit for tomorrow night I'm already here sitting in the parking lot even though it don't open for another 30 minutes". So the friend that I am that never says NO says "OK I'll be there in a few". So I meet her at the Gap, Roz has already picked her out a great pair of jeans (you will be seeing them often). Those who know me know I can't leave the mall empty handed so I told Roz I needed some dressy jeans to go with my shirts I got to wear for Easter Services, Roz hooked me up with some fine jeans for only $25 (sorry Cindy they didn't have your size)!!! So then we are off to the rest of the mall to try and find a top, the jeans were the easy part. After about 20 stores we finally found the perfect top, now came the shoes only 2 more stores before the shoes were found. Now I can not say the perfect shoes were found. While checking out she asked the cashier "do you like these shoes?" The cashier says "seriously? No!" but she loved mine!!!! Or at least I can just think that, since I didn't ask her if she liked mine!!! Seriously it was a great day!!!! I got to spend the day with my best friend and we both ended up with a cute outfit! What more could you ask for??? Now I'm taking a nap. . . . . . . and turning off my phone. . . . . . . . . . .

Sunday, February 17, 2008

What A Day!!!!!!

It was one long day!!! Well I had a friend ask me to coach her daughters softball team. Well the awesome friend that I am I told her sure. Before the season even started her daughter blew her knee out, and some how I am still stuck coaching!!!! So I am coaching 7&8 Grade girls fastpitch. Here is a few pics from our first practice.

I spent the whole 2 hours pitching to the girls, by the time I was done I realized I'm not 15 anymore. If you see me this is why I am moving a little slow.

Those who know me know I loved every minute of it!!! Thanks Cindy for making me coach these girls, it's going to be an awesome season!
So as soon as practice was over I raced home to shower and get ready for church. We had an awesome service learning about God's love for us!!
Well one of my friends has been given the opportunity to go to India. It is her first time out of the country so I am doing all I can to help her get prepared. So after church we ran to get something to eat before we worked on filling out her Visa application.

The waitress brings the bill and H realizes she has misplaced her debit card. She uses her whooing skills and talks the waitress into taking a check. The waitress excepted the check eventhough she had no drivers license that had been misplaced like 6 months ago.

Got in the car and found the misplaced debit card after all that!!!!!

We go to work on the Visa application and realize we can not find H's passport. We spent 2 hours searching and came up with the misplaced drivers license. Passport was found much later. But I am happy to announce all documents are filled out and ready to mail along with passport and copy of drivers license. H is actually going to India!!!WOOHOO!!!!! I'm so proud of her!!!!

Thursday, February 7, 2008

SORRY to my one fan!!!!!!

So I have apparently been getting a little grief on some other blog (you know who you are) because I have not blogged in over a week. Well their just hasn't been much to say, my life is kind of boring when certain people are at home in bed sick . . . . . or have I just been way too busy having fun and no time to blog??? Hmmm that is the question . . . . . . . . .

Well lets see this is from Friday, Mrs. Sherrie and I took Kayla shopping and to Libby Lu for a makeover before she returned to Africa. This was my first ever Libby Lu experience!! Who knew they had choices?????

Then on Sunday evening during the Super Bowl Mrs. Sherrie and I took the gang to see none other than the Hannah Montana 3D Concert.

Can you say I lost my mind????

Never imagined . . . . . .

Monday, January 28, 2008


So we celebrated our 15th birthday last night. All of are campuses came together, we had almost 200 kids in the KIA room. Probably the largest crowd we have had in the KIA room at one time for a service. Below is some pictures I was able to catch with my iphone!

The above pictures are priceless!!!!!

If we all could have the faith of a child what great things God could do through us!!!!!!

Friday, January 25, 2008

Challenges ....Is that a Good thing????

In the past month I have had several friends tell me "I pray 2008 will bring you challenges, joy and adventure" and "I pray that 2008 will be a great year for you, full of challenges and victories". So I called up my enlightening friend (yes you know who you are Queen Amidala :)) today and said do I really want a year full of challenges, she told me she would have to get back to me on that. So I have spent the evening pondering that question and well I have decided yes I do! It is those challenges that will stretch me and grow me this year. I need to be stretched and I need to grow in order to get another step closer to what God has for me. It's overcoming the challenges that helps me feel another step closer to my destiny. So bring on the challenges I'm ready to get closer!!!

Monday, January 21, 2008

My Day Off!!!!!

Today was full of comedy as we drove to Montgomery, Alabama to pick up Carly after she had spent the weekend at her dads house.

We had CJ in the backseat getting car sick from watching his monkey spin around.

We had Carly busting at the seams to get home and play her new Guitar Hero III that she had gotten for Christmas from her dad.

Then I had Cindy trying to convince me that the sour cherries were not sour!!

Look at that face, do you believe that?? :)

So as soon as we got home we all took a turn at Guitar Hero, those of you who know me know my turn did not last very long before I was boo-ed off the stage. It requires way too much coordination for me!!!! But we had a blast trying!!!!

Friday, January 18, 2008

Grayson Turns 8 Today!!!!!

My little money maker!!!!
How many 8 year olds do you know who would choose the cash over a birthday party???

My birthday present to him was this 6 ft target he can use his paintball gun on!!!!

Putting all 8 of his candles on his cake!!!!