Monday, January 28, 2008


So we celebrated our 15th birthday last night. All of are campuses came together, we had almost 200 kids in the KIA room. Probably the largest crowd we have had in the KIA room at one time for a service. Below is some pictures I was able to catch with my iphone!

The above pictures are priceless!!!!!

If we all could have the faith of a child what great things God could do through us!!!!!!

Friday, January 25, 2008

Challenges ....Is that a Good thing????

In the past month I have had several friends tell me "I pray 2008 will bring you challenges, joy and adventure" and "I pray that 2008 will be a great year for you, full of challenges and victories". So I called up my enlightening friend (yes you know who you are Queen Amidala :)) today and said do I really want a year full of challenges, she told me she would have to get back to me on that. So I have spent the evening pondering that question and well I have decided yes I do! It is those challenges that will stretch me and grow me this year. I need to be stretched and I need to grow in order to get another step closer to what God has for me. It's overcoming the challenges that helps me feel another step closer to my destiny. So bring on the challenges I'm ready to get closer!!!

Monday, January 21, 2008

My Day Off!!!!!

Today was full of comedy as we drove to Montgomery, Alabama to pick up Carly after she had spent the weekend at her dads house.

We had CJ in the backseat getting car sick from watching his monkey spin around.

We had Carly busting at the seams to get home and play her new Guitar Hero III that she had gotten for Christmas from her dad.

Then I had Cindy trying to convince me that the sour cherries were not sour!!

Look at that face, do you believe that?? :)

So as soon as we got home we all took a turn at Guitar Hero, those of you who know me know my turn did not last very long before I was boo-ed off the stage. It requires way too much coordination for me!!!! But we had a blast trying!!!!

Friday, January 18, 2008

Grayson Turns 8 Today!!!!!

My little money maker!!!!
How many 8 year olds do you know who would choose the cash over a birthday party???

My birthday present to him was this 6 ft target he can use his paintball gun on!!!!

Putting all 8 of his candles on his cake!!!!

Staff Retreat 2008

The past 24 hours have been packed with great worship, awesome words from Pastor, fun, fellowship and a little HPC serving. We started the retreat with an awesome worship service that led us into a time of learning from pastor. It is our 15th Birthday this year so Pastor shared with us 15 traits necessary to be in it for the long haul. This morning he shared with us about expectation. We need to expect great things from God!!! We then served at Winbourne by working to get the Women's Shelter closer to being operational. We ended the day with a 15th Birthday Celebration.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Where Are Your Eyes Fixed????

"Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the Author and Perfecter of our faith..." Hebrews 12:1

Monday, January 14, 2008

Adventures in Babysitting

Look Ms. Becky I can stick the whole cone in my mouth!!!!!!!!

We had some time to waste waiting for the movie to start so the kids decided they wanted to go look in the pet store. I being the pet lover that I am have not spent a whole lot of time in pet stores. This should explain the following comments:

A car for a mouse???? What has this world come too???

Living room furniture for a mouse????


This little guy is kind of cute!!!!!!

Someone would actually pay money for a snake????

I was never so excited to get to the movie!!!!!!

The movie was awesome!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Wii!!!! Need I say more???

Watching someone play the Wii is just as entertaining if not more than actually playing. Especially when your watching an ADD, spastic, 3_ year old try to race a cow!!!!

Blog Lift!!!!!

I got a blog lift tonight thanks to Carly!!!!! Your the best!!!!!